Common dominant traits
Common dominant traits

The ability to be kind to those who deserve it. Kindness – One of the most common feminine traits That’s the great thing about these traits – you can use them when you need to! 3. There are going to be times when you need to be tough. While being gentle doesn’t mean that you’re a walkover, one of the most common feminine traits is that you’re able to be soft and gentle when needed. You read their body language and work out the truth behind the words. It enables you to walk a mile in their shoes and appreciate how they’re really feeling. That means that you’re using your empathy skills and seeing things from the other person’s side. Women are typically a little softer and more intuitive than men. The most common feminine traits that are mentioned even in today’s age are: 1. The 14 most common feminine traits we often hear aboutįeminine traits are interesting to talk about, because it shows you just how far women have come in terms of being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen, to these days when we’re knocking on the CEO’s door and threatening to break the glass ceiling at every opportunity. It doesn’t matter what you identify yourself as there is no need for a label! As long as you’re acting like a good human being, labels are irrelevant. We totally appreciate that some of you reading this might not identify yourself with any gender, and that’s fine too.

common dominant traits

It also means you’re just being yourself. You probably think that you exhibit both feminine and masculine traits, and that’s actually a good thing. Women no longer have to be ‘seen and not heard.’ And thank goodness for all of that! They no longer must focus all their care and attention on other people and not think about themselves. Women are no longer required to stay at home and birth babies until they’re no longer able.

common dominant traits

The world is totally different to back in the day, and that’s a very good thing indeed. Of course we’ve strayed away from them, because times have changed drastically! There has been a lot of talk lately about femininity and what it should be, what it should look like in the modern day, and whether or not we’ve strayed from the so-called feminine traits of old. While certain corners of society might have failed to catch on yet, they will eventually.įor now, it’s simply a case of being the person you are, whether you exhibit masculine traits, feminine traits, or traits that encompass both, or even none! The great femininity debate We all have a world of choice and it’s a wonderful thing to consider. The most common feminine traits are considered to be things that all women must possess in order to be considered feminine, but what if you lack one?ĭoes that make you less of a woman? Do you even care if it does? And, has femininity changed from the days when these traits were considered the norm? Perhaps you simply prefer to fly by the seat of your pants, be who you are, whatever that is, and refuse to adhere to so-called ‘norms.’ĭo you know what that’s called? Bravery, and it’s admirable! Maybe you don’t want to be defined by a box or a label.

common dominant traits

The usual feminine traits are always pushed in our faces, whether we want to listen to them or not. Do you think you have the regular feminine traits? Or, do you think that you have your own special blend that makes you especially unique?ĭespite years of progression, it seems that society is still keen to fit women into a specific box with a label on it.

Common dominant traits